Wednesday, May 14, 2008

And So It Begins!

And so I am off... Well that's not exactly true. I leave Houston tomorrow at 7am and will be spending the night with a group of 10 people who I would barely call acquaintances, in the Washington airport. Friday I will wake up and fly to JFK and then will embark on my 14 hour long journey, final destination- Tanzania.

It is getting late and I am not packed, much to my dad's surprise :) So I will be up late doing that. But even if i was all done packing, I probably wouldn't get much sleep. I am so nervous. About the things I will see, the people I will meet, the friends I will make. "Nervous" sounds negative, I am also excited. I just want Friday to come already so I can start this crazy experience!

I will try to keep updates as often as possible. It will be hard to call. Email will be hard to. I am not sure if they will have internet at the orphanage we are staying in. I would bet not, but Nick (our guide) says they might. And if they do, I will try and give updates.

And so it begins.

Love always,

1 comment:

Freddie said...

I was really hoping that we could get together and have the kids say Goodbye.... but life happens fast.

Thanks for making it out to Trey's games while you were in town... I know he appreciated it!

Have fun - Africa and maine sound about as different as two place on a map could be - but i know it will be well worth it.

Remember - I am very proud of my baby sisiter. You Rock!

Take lots of pictures.

Love ya